
Statement of intent

The aim of this policy is to ensure that everyone is treated fairly and with respect and to ensure that individuals are not denied access to any of our programmes, camps or coaching sessions because of a discriminatory reason. The goal of Courtside Hubs CIC (hereafter, Courtside) is to grow and sustain sports and activities so they are inclusive and accessible to every community.  

Working together we will develop and implement practises that proactively grow the sport by welcoming difference and accepting diversity in order to reach new and lapsed participants. We will continue to build an environment that celebrates diversity and is unapologetic in tackling all forms of discrimination.

We will embed the LTA's Fair Play values within our operation to further promote equality, diversity and inclusion. The commitment outlined in this policy covers all aspects of the business and it is expected that all employees, players, parents, coaches, officials and volunteers who work on behalf of, represent or engage with Courtside will adhere to the principles of this Policy.

Our responsibilities

As an employer, Courtside will:

  • Continue to lead by example in the development, treatment and consideration of its employees and their diverse needs
  • Operate an open and fair recruitment and selection process and encourage applications from all groups in the community
  • Require all employees to undergo equality and diversity training and provide additional training if necessary in order that they can fulfil their individual responsibilities under this Policy
  • Deter discrimination by making it clear that discrimination is unacceptable and will be treated as a serious disciplinary offence
  • Investigate any complaint of discrimination on any grounds
  • Regularly review these policies and practises to ensure they are in line with best practise and all legal requirements 

As a developer of health and wellbeing in the community, Courtside will:

  • Build an environment where equality and diversity is valued and all forms of discrimination and inappropriate behaviour is challenged and dealt with through the appropriate disciplinary channels
  • Communicate this Policy and other messages on equality and diversity
  • Proactively encourage the involvement for all people regardless of background, ability or personal characteristics
  • Promote the LTA's Fair Play values and take appropriate action if they are breached
  • Ensure all competitions organised and run by Courtside are done so in a fair and equitable way
  • Continue to provide funding, financial assistance/reward, wildcards and access to training camps based on merit in a clear and transparent manner as in line with our respective policies

Courtside expects everyone involved with our programmes to: 

  • Fully adopt and embrace the ethos of equality and diversity as outlined in this policy
  • Fully adopt, embrace and promote the fair play values
  • Be respectful of all others and not discriminate, bully, harass or victimise anyone
  • Be an ambassador for sport and its players, volunteers and the diversity they bring to the game
  • Respect individual differences based on any characteristic
  • Actively encourage and welcome others interested in participating
  • Where necessary explain the Policy and implications to children
  • Report all forms of discrimination, bullying, harassment and victimisation to Courtside emailing:

Coaches, officials, volunteers and venues

Coaches, officials, volunteers and venues are crucial in the education, development, running and organisation of community sport. Therefore, it is expected that they not only adhere to this policy and the principles outlined about, but they also:

  • Proactively seek opportunities to be more inclusive through the development and delivery of their activities and environment they create
  • Support positive action schemes that seek to make sports more diverse
  • Be role models for everyone involved in sport
  • Venues are recommended to adopt and implement the Equality and Diversity Policy template and ensure everyone is treated fairly and with respect

For further information on our procedures, our monitoring process and our best practises, please email or call 01664 914055

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